If you’ve been anywhere near the Roosevelt District lately, you might get the sense that the neighborhood is one big construction site. Sound Transit light rail is expected to be up and running at Roosevelt Station in 2021, which largely accounts for the boom in new mixed-use, multi-unit dwellings currently underway. Here’s a brief tour of construction sites located within a block of our office.

The garden behind our office includes Alaskan cedar trees, a heritage yew, and rhododendron bushes, offering a respite from the construction hubbub.

Construction on the Sound Transit Roosevelt Station site continues. The station is slated to be completed and open for service in 2021.

This lot at the northwestern intersection of NE 65th Street and Brooklyn Avenue NE has been vacant for years. Plans are underway to put a four-story building containing 37 apartments and restaurant space at street level.

Roosevelt High School can be glimpsed amidst construction of the seven-story, 201-unit apartment building located directly north of our office.

Looking south from the Roosevelt High School athletic field. Our office is nestled on the other side of the stand of trees visible in the center here. The trees shield us from the view–if not from the noise.

At the western edge of the block, construction is underway on a six-story, 55-unit apartment and retail building.

Even inside our office, the building activity asserts itself: a crane counterbalance looms above the skylight.